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Worldwide sources for monitoring and pricing

Choose from over 100 European marketplaces and over 250 sources worldwide.

Need data from individual online shops? We connect any them as direct sources for you. So you get exactly the information you need. Simply contact us and we will take care of your desired sources.

European marketplaces overview for download.

Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0

Price List

Try Preishoheit® up to 4 weeks without commitment
Everything you need for monitoring your products.
Choose to use the full features of Preishoheit®


initial-setup (one-time) not applicable 199 €** 299 €**
number of users (expandable) 1 3 10
number of products 100 unlimited unlimited
number of sources max. 2 unlimited unlimited


Offer Analysis
Merchant Analysis
Dynamic Pricing (optional)

Additional Features

Customer reviews
Multiple reference prices
Multi-URL optional optional optional
KPI Editor
API connection
Indiv. reports
Multiple currencies


Premium Support
Online training
  Without charge 69 € mtl. * plus data volume 119 € mtl. * plus data volume

*The individual data volume depends on number of products, number of sources and the frequency of the update of offers.

**The initial setup includes the setup of user accounts and reports, the integration of standard- and individual sources and online training for all users.